The Plant is capable of handling approximately 1.0 million tons of raw metirials white cement and finish product of skim coat per annum.
Our state of the art Cement Packing Plant is equipped with various types of environment friendly machinery such as fully Automatic Rotary Packer Machine with vacuum de-dusting system, high performance Bag Filter Plants to separate clean air from cement dust and to release free air to the atmosphere while recovering cement dust to the system, closed cement conveying devices such as Bucket Elevators and Air Slides to prevent dust leakages to the environment, on-platform weighing Bulk Tanker Filling System to prevent over-filling of tankers, silent type, vibration and dust free Aeration Blowers to prevent dust & noise emission, CFC free Air Drying and Air Conditioning system to protect the environment through global warming and large number of de-dusting pipelines to carry cement dust to the Bag Filter Plants. Also, we use Inverters and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) for running of many equipment as a measure of saving energy. Packing Capacity of our plant is 600,000 Mt per annum. Also, our bulk cement loading capacity is 80 tons per hour and hence we capable of delivering 400,000 Mt per annum so that our Plant capacity exceeds 1. 0 Million MT per Annum.
Our own laboratory is geared with modern equipment to analyze essential parameters of cement samples such as Compressive Strength of cement mortar and Concrete, Initial Setting Time, Soundness, Fineness etc. as per the requirements of Sri Lanka Standards (SLS 107).
Even though our land area is nearly 10 acres, we utilize only 5 acres for the Cement Plant & other ancillary buildings. Balance 5 acres are free with very old trees and vegetation. There are several Jackfruit, Kithul, Cashew, Mahogany and various types of other trees providing shelter and clean air to our environment. It is vital to mention that there is a 'Kaluwara Tree' which believed to be existing over hundred years.
We use the balance land extent to plant some fruit trees like Mango, Jackfruit, Cashew, Goa etc. and hope to plant thousand trees by the end of this year
Further, we have planted 550 Indian Willow and "Ehala" trees in the 3-meter wide green belt along the border of nearly 800 m long boundary wall in order to cover complete Plant by trees in five years' time.
We are not second to any other Skim coat Packing Plant in Sri Lanka as far as our staff strength is concerned. We have deployed highly competent and professional staff in our Production Department, Finance Department, Commercial HR & Admin. Department and Marketing Department.
Marketing and Sales Department is managed by highly qualified and experienced General Manager and the sales team is deployed all around the country to ensure maximum reach of its products. Starting from strategic planning down to district sales targets the team is heavily involved in managing sales in all areas. The company time to time introduce various marketing programs as a support to its distributor network and also to create a higher customer satisfaction.
Our Production Department is managed by Chartered Mechanical Engineer as the Chief Operating Officer. We deployed a Mechanical Engineer to head the Mechanical Engineering section and an Electrical Engineer to head the Electrical Engineering Section. Also, a Chemistry Graduate with Engineering background has been deployed as In-Charge of our own Laboratory. Our logistics department is headed by well experienced and dedicated individual to deliver the material to customers on time.
Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal to complete tasks

H.R.S. Liyanage
Marketting Manage
D.S.K. Fernando
Sales Executive